



Introducing the Garage—a hidden gem tucked away in a quiet corner of the club. Stripped down to the essentials, this intimate space is all about the music and those who come to truly immerse themselves in it. With its minimalist scenography and meticulous sound design, the Garage offers a purer, simpler, and more focused experience for dedicated clubgoers.


At the heart of the room is a striking central lightpiece, casting a soft glow over the space, setting the mood for those who stay late and lose themselves in the rhythm. The Garage is a hidey-hole for the true heads—those who seek a deeper connection with the sound and the atmosphere around them.

Smaller in size, but big in character, this room is designed for the long haul.

Photo by Jeroen Verrecht
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Photos by Willem Mevis & Jeroen Verrecht
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Photo by Jeroen Verrecht
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