Rain Room

Rain Room




For your 24-hour mischief, the Spanish powerhouse BURR is putting the play in our clubhouse. Toying with their cheeky and unconventional approach, BURR has transformed this iconic space into a dreamy oasis for dancers.

In their world of wonder, you’ll find among a canopy of light, and a pond beneath the stars, a maze of fluffy curtains — creating an ever changing setting that invites both whimsy and wonder. Draw them back and you’ll find yourself among your foodie friends. Peep behind and you’ll be floating further along.


BURR’s design philosophy embraces the rough edges and errors that come with transformation. Zooming in on the dreary original setting, and reclaiming it as the clubhouse for your adventure. Led by Elena Fuertes, Ramón Martínez, Álvaro Molins, and Jorge Sobejano, with support from Amanda Bouzada and Jesús Meseguer, the team created the centre of the 24-hour universe. Keeping things dancing throughout a day and a night and the place to find your long lost foodie friends. Here’s where you dive into dinner, brunch and boosters to keep you going.


Yet, the devil is in the details. Adding to the room’s fresh ambiance, is the lush greenery provided by Plant & Houtgoed that has sprouted in the pond under sunny skies. Creating a place to breathe during your nightly dizzy dallying. Soon, repurposed light fixtures will cast an inviting glow, making the Rain Room the perfect space for dreamy dancers to lose themselves under the stars.

Photo by Jeroen Verrecht
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Photos by Julien Janssens & Willem Mevis
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Photo by Willem Mevis
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Photos by Jeroen Verrecht
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