EXPO 2025

YRD.Works is an interdisciplinary artist collective consisting of Yacin Boudalfa, Ruben Fischer, and David Bausch, working for over ten years at the intersection of space, sculpture, performance, and social interaction.

Their practice merges artistic and architectural strategies with performative and participatory approaches to create spaces that are not only designed but also used, activated, and collectively developed.


With a strong foundation in public space and an open definition of art as a social process, YRD.Works realizes temporary installations, performative platforms, and experimental spatial concepts. Their work challenges conventional exhibition formats and explores new forms of participation and communal engagement. In addition to their own artistic practice, they curate exhibition spaces, cultural interim uses, and interdisciplinary events, bridging art, architecture, and social exchange.

Their projects often evolve through an open, collaborative process and are characterized by experimentation with different materials and media as well as the active involvement of participants.

Hole Mound, Gabriel Poblete
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Access, Janosch Boerckel // Eins zu Eins, Gabriel Poblete // Hole Mound, Gabriel Poblete // Insight Out, Gabriel Poblete // Transition 1-7, YRD.Works
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